You should expect a warm greeting as you come into our lobby. Someone will welcome you and hand you a bulletin. Look around at the various displays and resources available in the foyer.
What you wear reflects your personality (which we look forward to learning about), your heart before God (which we can’t see), and your economic resources (which we don’t know about). For those reasons, you will find a variety of styles.
There is a nursery available during both hours for children under 36 months, except for the singing time. Older children will go to Sunday school located in the house during the first hour while the adults will be in the main building basement. During the worship service, children three and older will stay in the service. There are children's bulletins for them to color and take notes with. Feel free to step out with them if needed and to come back in as you see fit.
The Worship Service
Our service will have four primary activities: singing, prayer, giving, and preaching.
• Singing - We desire Christ-exalting music appropriate for a church setting. Numerous styles and ages of music will work, and we will use them all as we have the ability to do so. This is not a concert, and so entertainment is not our goal. Instead, through the medium of music, we want our minds to ponder glorious truths that move our hearts to joy/reverence/contrition or whatever the appropriate emotion is for the theme of that biblical truth.
• Prayer – This is our speaking to God. It is pouring out of our hearts before Him. If He does not work in us and among us by His Spirit and through His word, then our morning is wasted. If He does, it will be by His grace. Therefore, we ask God for grace throughout our service.
• Giving – This is a time for our members to put their resources to work for the kingdom of God. It is an act of worship that declares that God is more important to us than stuff. If you are not a member, please feel no obligation to give.
• Preaching – This is the centerpiece of the morning. This is the time for the Bible to be opened and applied. When it is rightly interpreted, it is God’s word to us. This is an awesome thing. We do not take it lightly. God’s word is the most priceless thing on the earth. It is worth dying for. Therefore, we preach it as clearly, boldly, and powerfully as we know how. We are committed to preaching through books of the Bible expositorily. This means we treat each verse, one after the other, in the passage in which it is found and mine it for the life-transforming truth the divinely inspired author intended to convey.