This list of issues and questions was compiled in preparation for a meeting with a Jehovah Witness, and it proved very useful.

1) Is Jesus equal to God?

a. John 5: 18 Jesus made himself equal with God in what he said. The Pharisees realized this and reacted accordingly. The same thing happened again in Jn. 10:33 and there Jesus defends it.

b. Mark 2:7 Jesus did not refute the notion that only God can forgive sin and then asserted that he does forgive sin.

c. “Firstborn” in Col. 1:15, 18 cannot mean “first created” because Paul used the same word in Romans 8:29 and there it cannot mean “first created”.

d. The climactic statement of the gospel of John is Thomas declaring to Jesus “My Lord and my God” (Jn. 20:28). John highlights this and springboards off of it because it is the conclusion he wants from reading his gospel (Jn. 20:31). John is clear, to believe that Jesus is the “Son of God” means that you will say the same thing Thomas said, “My Lord and my God.”

e. In Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is called “Mighty God” and in Isaiah 10:20-21 Jehovah is called “Mighty God”. Additionally, Jesus is set as equal to the “Almighty God” when you compare Rev. 1:8,17; 21:6; 22:12-13. These titles are titles of deity and they are interchangeableness between the Father and the Son.

f. Isa. 43:10-11 and Isa. 44:6 (among many other passages) say that there is only one God. Calling Jesus “a god”, even if he is lesser, means that there are two true gods. How is this contradiction explained?

2) How do you explain all the problems with the NWT?

a. The NWT translates the greek phrase “I am” every time it appears in the gospel of John (Jn. 6:35, 41; 8:24; 13:19; 15:5 etc.) except in Jn. 8:58 where it is translated “I have been”. This is a wrong translation, and it skews why the Jews wanted to stone him instantly, namely that he was claiming the OT title of deity for Himself.

b. Why the inconsistency with the phrase “of our God and savior Jesus Christ” in 2 Peter 1:1. In the NWT the word “the” is added (it is not in the Greek text). But in 2:20 and 3:18 the exact same phrase is used (with the exception of “Lord” instead of “God”) but the word “the” is not added.

c. John 1:1 is a faulty translation. To translate “a god” goes against the Greek grammar rules that govern the article (the word “the”), primarily the fact that leaving off “the” points to essence and quality. Additionally, everywhere else in the gospel ( 1:6,12; 3:2,16, 17, 33, 34; 4:24 ect. ) “God” is used without the article, yet those are not translated “a god” in the NWT. This is inconsistent. The same thing is done with Jn. 10:33

d. In Acts 20:28 the word “Son” is added. It is not in the Greek text.

e. In Col 1:16 the word “other” is added. It is not in the Greek text. This is important because if Jesus is created, then he did not create all things. He would be created and he didn’t create himself.

3) JW leadership

a. If both the first two presidents, making up more than half of the time JW exist, were identified as “false prophets” by the Watchtower Society (see (“A Time to 'Lift Up Your Head’ in Confident Hope,” Awake! , October 8, 1968, p.23) what confidence is there that the same thing won’t happen to the current president?

b. Why are the names and credentials of the translators of the NWT withheld? How can confidence be held in their translation when no one is allowed to know who they are?

c. If there is apostolic succession, then who passed the torch to C.T. Russell and what was before the “faithful and discreet slave” came into existence in the 1900s? Was there no witness for God for 1,800 years?

d. The WatchTower Society (WTS) says that only it (the WTS) can interpret the Bible correctly and discourages members from reading outside materials. Not only does the Bible show differently (Acts 17:11), but an unwillingness to be examined disobeys scripture (1 Thess 5:21-22).

e. There are numerous false prophecies and reversals made about the end times, many having to do with 1914.

4) Salvation

a. Multiple Watchtower publications state that a person’s works earn him salvation. Christ’s ransom purchased the way for them to work for God’s final salvation. This contradicts the Bible’s teaching of forgiveness by grace through faith in Christ alone (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 3-4; Titus 3:4-5; Phil. 3:9, etc.)

i. See these Watchtower publications

1. August 15, 1972, p.492

2. July 1, 1947, p. 204

3. February 15, 1983, pp.12-13

b. While JW put out much material, it has a surprising lack of gospel content. Amidst all the spiritual principles and teachings, finding clear statements on how a person can be forgiven of sin and reconciled with God is like finding a needle in a haystack.